The Ancient Art of Cupping - Susan Johnson


What a great class!! There's not much material out there on cupping techniques so it was such a great opportunity and honor to hear Susan talk about this. From school, I've learned that the cups bring up the toxins from deep in the blood so that the fresh blood can easily heal the body of pain or disorder. That's the gist of it and Susan gives a really good explanation in the article that are part of the lecture notes of this class. So basically, cupping is an ancient technique used by many different cultures for many generations (Who knew?? I thought it was just the Chinese!).

Susan also mentioned that the most important thing to do is explain to your patients how cupping works, what it is, and what it does... which makes sense. If your patient is not familiar with the cupping technique, it will definitely freak them out. You also have to be well aware of the patient's breathing during the cupping session. They must breathe slowly in and out through their nose, otherwise they may get lightheaded. 

Another important thing to remember - 10 minutes is all you need for the cup to stay on the skin. The magic works within the first few minutes.


For the good cupping tips, you will need to Watch the 1-hr Webinar Here. Susan does a beautiful job explaining it!

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!


It's great to hear that you

It's great to hear that you enjoyed the subway surfers class on cupping techniques and learned a lot from Susan's teachings. Cupping is indeed an ancient technique used by various cultures, including the Chinese.

I seem AI Tool to have seen

I seem AI Tool
to have seen this cupping technique similar to it when I was in China. This is really a very miraculous and incredible technique with surprising curative effects, but some people still think it is a useless technique.