Master Tung's For Pregnancy: Before, During, & After by Dr. Brad Whisnant

Master Tung's Acupuncture is a very powerful system and is typically preferred when practitioners want clinical results. This is why Tung Acupuncture is so popular!! (it really works!!)

Dr. Brad Whisnant has been teaching Tung Acupuncture for a few years now and has quickly become one of the favorite Tung instructors. Why? He's clear, thorough, and will take time to answer your questions. It also helps that he's treated thousands of patients using Tung acupuncture and has seen some amazing results! Thanks to Brad and his generosity of sharing his knowledge, he brings his next lesson on treating women who are interested in becoming pregnant, who are already pregnant, and also some TLC for after the baby arrives!

Click here to catch it on the TCM Wisdom Tube and watch it for FREE!

~Donna Chow, L.Ac.

For more great and FREE recordings of past 1-hr webinars, click here for the TCM Wisdom Tube!


Thanks to Brad's willingness

Thanks to Brad's willingness to share his information, he brings his next lesson on how to treat women who want to get pregnant, who are pregnant, and who have just had a baby. free games