Karl C.H. Tai, PhD 戴吉雄

戴吉雄醫師 ,于1993年考進廣州中醫藥大學中醫博士班,跟隨靳瑞教授專攻頭皮針及(弱智兒童靳三針療法)1996年畢業,美國美洲中國醫藥文化大學中醫碩士。現任國暉中醫診所 院長,靳三針療法─弱智兒童治療中心主任。
戴氏頭皮針的創辦人 ,是繼承並彙集朱氏頭皮針、方氏頭皮針、焦氏头皮针及靳三針理論及針法,並且提出「頭皮針顱骨縫刺激區針刺效應及機理作用的研究」,於1997年參加北京舉行的第十屆世界針灸大會論文比賽獲金牌獎。其學術研究「電針頭穴對實驗性大鼠中樞神經遞質5-H T,N E及D A 的含量影響」,曾發表於1996年在美國紐約舉行的世界針灸大會。
特別門診: ( 針灸治療 )
帕金森氏症、老人痴呆、記憶喪失症 、
中風、顏面神經麻痺、三叉神經痛 、
戴吉雄醫師的頭皮針是一種新興的針灸,在臨床上發現頭針對腦部的刺激,要比一般體針還要強烈。因此選用頭皮針作為中風治療的優先選擇。根據戴吉雄醫師的研究,認為針刺的訊息主要是透過頭骨縫的結締組織傳入腦部。D. Larson 主張結締組織是很好的導體,能將針刺引起的身體反應訊號傳入腦內。戴醫師曾根據M-H 反射實驗的結果,發現同時針刺顱骨縫區與非顱骨縫區的穴位時,顱骨縫區的反應要優於非顱骨縫區。因此,頭針治療中風時,最好的處理方法應該是針對中風病灶對應上方的顱骨縫區。如此一來可以達到最佳的治療效果。

Dr. Karl Tai’s first learned Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from Professor Zhang Rui, who specialized in scalp acupuncture and three-needle therapy for mentally disabled children in Guangzhou TCM Hospital. Following his internship with Professor Rui, he received his Master degree of Chinese medicine in American University of Medicine and Culture. He is currently the Dean of Guohui Chinese Medicine Clinic and the director of the Zhang Three-needle Acupuncture Therapy Center for Mentally Disabled Children.

During his TCM career, Dr. Tai conducted many research and proposed a study titled, "Scalp acupuncture effect and mechanism of needling the skull suture stimulation area." In 1997, the study won the gold medal in the 10th World Acupuncture Conference Paper Competition held in Beijing. His academic research "Effects of Electro-acupuncture on the Content of 5-H T, N E and D A in Experimental Rat Central Neurotransmitters" was published in the World Acupuncture Conference held in New York in 1996. In addition, he has numerous published articles and books.

Tai's scalp acupuncture inherits and collects the essence of Zhu's scalp acupuncture, Fang's scalp acupuncture, Jiao's scalp acupuncture, and Zhang’s three-needle acupuncture method. Along with his own theory of treating cranial sutures, he is able to produce excellent results for conditions such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, dementia, memory loss, facial nerve paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, children with autism, hyperactivity, and mentally disabled children.

Courses by Karl C.H. Tai, PhD 戴吉雄

English Courses
Tai's Scalp Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment, and Practice
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
13 CEUs
Tai’s Scalp Acupuncture for Stroke and Parkinson's Disease
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
6 CEUs
Speaker Preview: 
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