eLotus Acupuncture Continuing Education
Your #1 Source for Live and Distance Learning CEUs/PDAs/CPDs
Renewing your license has never been easier.
Explore Our Courses
Choose from 3000+ hours of courses with new additions published every month.
Bundle Me Up!
Simplify your CE fulfillment by selecting a pre-packaged set of courses that meets your board requirement, guaranteed.
- Purchase your bundle.
- Complete the courses by passing the quizzes.
- Print/save your CEU Certificates.
eLotus Gold Pass
Eager to elevate your TCM career? With 365 days of unlimited CEUs from online learning with top experts plus perks for the pros, our Gold Pass is the best CEU offer in the industry.
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Your TCM Resource Center
eLotus CORE
To empower you with the tools to build a strong practice, we have created a FREE resource hub - eLotus CORE (Collection of Real Essentials), so you can easily reference critical clinical information whenever you're in need.
Explore eLotus CORE Now
Currently featuring Master Tung Acupuncture with over 200 point locations, indications and functions.
Trusted by over 50,000 acupuncturists and herbalists across the world
We are the biggest online platform dedicated to renewing your license and updating your clinical knowledge continuously for more than two decades.
Sign Me Up Now“eLotus Gold Pass is great - you get your $ back in herbs and don’t have to preregister for individual webinars. Plus you have access to ALL webinars so you can attend more than you would have if you paid for each one individually.”
- Madeline Y.
“I wanted to say that I [renewed my gold pass] out of my gratitude and respect. ELotus and Evergreen is a generous company with a great insight and investment into the future of TCM. Good luck and prosperity to all of you.”
- Edita Sussman, LAc
“Tax write off, free herbs, profit made from free herbs, the best teachers you will find anywhere…. The Gold Pass is the best educational investment I have made in a long time. Everyday is filled with new knowledge and wisdom. You can’t go wrong. The Gold Pass is a no brainer!”
- Calvin C.
“Thank you for offering the absolutely excellent CEU courses I completed. FYI, I knew I could get the general [Florida] credits thru Lotus, but did not realize that I could get everything here – ie. Medical Errors, Laws and Rules and Human Trafficking. I was very pleasantly surprised to discover this availability on your website, and completed all of my hours thru Lotus. You are Tops in CEUs. Every course was excellent. Thank you!”
- Jean A. Gormley DOM, AP, DC