Start teaching with eLotus

On behalf of all of us here at Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine (eLotus), we would like to introduce you to our eLotus Legacy Program. We are excited to have you on board! What a thrilling moment as this marks the beginning of the preservation of Traditional Chinese Medicine teachings for the future of our medicine. Thank you in advance for your contribution.

We know that everyone has a specialty and here on our platform is where you can share your expert knowledge with the rest of the world. eLotus Legacy Program aims to be the central hub of premium content and in order to be that, we need your participation. Not only will this benefit you, but it will also benefit many patients as other practitioners learn from you. All it takes is for you to write an article, record an audio/video or schedule a date for a Live Webinar to start teaching your expertise and for us to share it with the world. We will help you preserve your legacy while you sit back, relax and collect your royalty.

The Big Picture of How eLotus Legacy Program Works

Step 1: Fill your Information and Propose a Topic

Fill out and submit your instructor information. Help future students learn more about you and why they want to learn from you. On the same form, propose a topic and choose a format you wish to showcase your expertise.

Format Type:

  • Recorded Video
  • Live Webinar*

Step 2: Finalize Topic & Create Your New Course

Our team will review your course proposal and provide feedback to help maximize your topic's appeal and sales potential. Once the topic is finalized, you can focus on creating excellent content for your course. For live webinars*, we'll be in contact for scheduling and further details.

Step 3: Submit Course Materials & additional details

Upload your course file(s) and supply any additional required details and quiz questions. Our team will review your submission and take care of the rest, including CEU applications, publishing, and promoting your course on eLotus.

Voila! Once your course is approved, you can start collecting royalty yearly

while we work to share your knowledge with the world!

Start your Application & Submit your Material

Our speakers teach on various subjects including acupuncture, Chinese herbs, Western medicine, practice management, etc., and provide clinically relevant information that practitioners can utilize immediately in their practice. If you are interested in teaching, we are interested in meeting you!

Please email us at your curriculum vitae with the following information or fill out the form below:

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