Ronald Hubbs, L.Ac.

Ronald is both a California and Oregon Medical Board Licensed Acupuncturist and graduated Magna Cum Laude from South Baylo University in Anaheim, CA with both a Bachelor’s Degree in Holistic Health Science and a Master’s Degree of Science in Oriental Medicine. Besides his formal education, he has taken extensive independent coursework totaling over 1200 hours. Much of this training is in the field of Autonomic Response Testing (ART), Applied Kinesiology (AK), and various systems of muscle testing.

Ronald specializes in methods and approaches to acupuncture that are aimed at both “treating the root and the branch”, which means to deal effectively with both the symptoms and the root origins of disease. He combines his training and experience in advanced styles of acupuncture with his 12+ years of experience and practice of advanced kinesiological reflex testing and Western Holistic Health.

His passion for helping people and figuring out health puzzles stems from his own history of serious health problems, which he successfully overcame.

Courses by Ronald Hubbs, L.Ac.

English Courses
Introduction to Muscle Testing for Acupuncturists
TCM Wisdom Tube
0 CEUs
Introduction to Muscle Testing for Acupuncturists
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
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