Abdominal Pain: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment, Part II - Jimmy Chang

Great Webinar last week with Dr. Jimmy Chang!

He continued his discussion on Abdominal Pain and focused in on various topics such as:

  • Abdominal pain d/t male issues
  • How you can tell if someone has a weak immune system
  • Various types of inflammation
  • A bonus formula for varicose veins
  • Endometriosis
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Kidney stones

The kidney stone part was the big talk of the webinar! People were asking what happens if the pain from the KD stones persist... do you take more or less of the formula? Can you guess??? You would take more because you'd want to break up the stones so that it passes. If you take less of a dosage, the stone won't move and will just stay put. And the most interesting fact is that the patient will feel the pain travel from the back to the front. Very cool.. but probably not if you are the one with KD stones!! yikes!

Listen in to Part 2 of Abdominal Pain in the TCM Wisdom Tube to hear what formula to use for Kidney Stones and the other valuable info on abdominal pain.

Here is PART I if you'd like to listen in on that too!


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