Dave Shipsey, an acupuncturist with over 15 years specializing in Abdominal Acupuncture, gives an introduction of abdominal acupuncture for beginners. Dave shares what is Abdominal Acupuncture, how it works, and why it works. In addition, Dave provides a case study with treatment protocol and prescription for treating lumbar pain.
Upon completion of this course, practitioners will:
Know what is Abdominal Acupuncture
Recognize benefits of Abdominal Acupuncture
Learn treatment protocols for lumbar pain using Abdominal Acupuncture
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Units :
CA (Category 1), NCCAOM (AOM-BIO), FL (General), IL, TX (General), AHPRA, AFPA, BAcC, CTCMA, NZASA, NZRA
hi . can i have a certificate for this course?