Chuan-Min Wang 王全民, D.C, L.Ac.
Born in Taiwan, Dr. Chuan-Min Wang, D.C., L.Ac. received a Philosophy B.S. degree from Fu-Jen Catholic University in 1974 and an Education Master degree from National Taiwan Normal University in 1977. During his college years, Dr. Wang studied Chinese Philosophy and I-Chin from Master Hwai-Jin Nan. During 1972-1974, he learned Tung's acupuncture directly with Master Ching-Chang Tung. After his studies, Dr. Wang taught philosophy at a local college and practice acupuncture at home in Taiwan.
After immigrating to the US, Dr. Wang studied chiropractic techniques and received a Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1999. Soon after, Dr. Wang received his chiropractic physician and acupuncture licenses and began a practice in Illinois. Dr. Wang has also visited Peru, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, and Bolivia as a volunteer physician 7 times and received the Humanitarian Physician Award from the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation Taiwan in 2004 for his volunteer works. In addition, Dr. Wang was invited to promote Tung’s Acupuncture three days in He’nan Traditional Chinese Medicine by The World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Society (WFAS). In August 2013, Dr. Wang published his book, "Introduction to Tung’s Acupuncture." This book illustrates Tung's Acupuncture is the Five Zang system acupuncture.
移民美國後,王醫師繼而在脊骨神經醫學院學習、研究脊椎按摩技術,並於1999年獲頒脊骨神經醫學博士學位。爾後王醫師分別考取了脊骨神經科醫師證和針灸醫師執照,開啟了他在伊利諾伊州的醫者生涯。王醫師還曾作為誌願醫師七度訪問秘魯、薩爾瓦多、多米尼加共和國以及玻利維亞,並於2004年獲得臺灣佛教慈善救濟慈濟基金會的人道主義醫師獎,以表彰其傑出貢獻。此外,王醫師更受世界針灸學會聯合會(WFAS)邀請,前進河南對當地中醫師進行為期三日的董氏針灸推廣。 2013年8月,王醫師出版著作「董氏針灸入門」。本書細致的講述了董氏針灸即是五臟系統的針灸之法。為了更有效地推廣董氏針灸,王全民醫師更與 eLotus 合作,在其網路教學平台上推出系統化的董氏針灸教育課程,深入講解前30名最常用的董氏針灸穴位,董氏穴位與脈診的聯系,以及高階的五臟系統。
Courses by Chuan-Min Wang 王全民, D.C, L.Ac.
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董氏針灸: 五臟用針常用奇穴篇精解大綱(一) Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording 8 CEUs |
$129 |
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董氏針灸:五臟用針常用奇穴篇精解大綱(三) Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording 8 CEUs |
$270 |
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董氏針灸:五臟用針常用奇穴篇精解大綱(二) Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording 8 CEUs |
$129 |
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董氏針灸:五臟用針常用奇穴篇精解大綱(四) Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording 8 CEUs |
$270 |
Book(s) Authored

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Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It was very thorough and detail oriented.
Excellent speaker and teacher.
Great I look forward to more trainings and would like to see more treatment methods and point combos. Thanks
I really enjoyed this speaker. I thought that he was thorough and had much knowledge on the subject.
I thought Dr Wang was great.
Great presentation on a very interesting and important topic.
amazing master
A Master, for sure.
His depth of knowledge and skill is apparent through his discussion of the information. His explanations were clear and he made an effort to explain more difficult concepts well.
Dr. Wang has great first hand experience with Master Tung and his senior fellow classmates.
I found him to be an engaging speaker that held my attention the entire day.
Dr Wang seemed very humble and likable. He truly wanted to pass on his knowledge with regard to Tung acupuncture
It's clear the speaker is incredibly knowledgeable and has very valuable information to offer the practitioner.