Welcome to the eLotus Forums!

Welcome to the eLotus Forums!

The eLotus Forums is designed to keep you updated in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) world on anything and everything TCM related! In making the forums useful and effective, we ask that all participants follow some basic guidelines and rules of conduct.

  1. Please treat other members with respect and courtesy.
  2. Stay on topic of TCM in order to maximize learning effectiveness.
  3. No attacking, offensive, demeaning, harassing, or inappropriate comments about the speakers, staff, other members, or the moderator(s) in the forums.
  4. No posting of any unsolicited materials or products without prior permission from our moderator. No advertising of yourself, your clinic, or services.
  5. No circulating or posting of copyrighted materials.
  6. Violations of any of the above rules may result in disciplinary action as seen fit by forum administrators.

We hope you enjoy the forums and find it useful and informative in your practice! We look forward to making your acquaintance!

-The eLotus Team-