Jimmy Wei-Yen Chang (Zhang Wei Yan) 張蔚炎, MPH, PhD, OMD, LAc

Master Jimmy Wei-Yen Chang is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine trained in Taiwan and a licensed acupuncturist in California and New York. He has over 40 years of concentrated clinical experience treating over 500,000 patients, and applying his expertise in differential diagnosis and herbal prescription. Master Chang is the author of the pulse diagnosis manual, Pulsynergy, and he currently pursues his specialties in private practice in Hacienda Heights, California. He is widely recognized for his skills in correlating definitive pulse diagnoses with herbal prescription.

Watch an Exclusive Interview with Jimmy Chang! Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Jimmy Chang Pulsynergy GROUP
This is a PAID Whatsapp group for you to connect with Dr. Jimmy Chang and ask him about your tough cases.
If interested, email him at jimmyomdclub@gmail.com

To intern at Jimmy's clinic, please email him directly at internwithjimmy@gmail.com

"Dr. Chang is a master and that is so rare to have somebody who is willing to show how they systematize their process of diagnosis and prescription process. My clinical results have improved tremendously since I started using Pulsynergy two years ago. And, the audio recordings of the Pulsynergy 1,2,3 were super helpful for reviewing the information for the Pulsynergy video courses. There is so much to learn and I have listened to those lectures over and over again." - Scott B.

"Master Chang's presentation on [Case Studies: Clinical Discussion on Pulse Diagnosis and Herbal Prescriptions] was an insightful peek into a brilliant herbalist's mind. I have a deeper understanding from watching him go through his patient's treatment protocol on how to approach a diagnosis and treatment plan to best serve my patients. I appreciate the great gift given to us that day. Master Chang was completely selfless and generous in sharing such intimate information. I am still digesting his presentation and it has helped me in having a better understanding of the big picture. I hope he knows how much we appreciate him. Please consider presenting a similar seminar again soon. Thank you." - D.G.

"I just wanted to thank [eLotus] for being around. It's so exciting to have a place where I can keep up on learning new things on a career I'm very passionate about. Thank you for making it possible. Please don't go away! Please keep Dr. Chang's webinars around. I love them!" -H.S.


Jimmy中醫大師張蔚炎是在臺灣接受過正統培訓的中醫師,也是加利福尼亞州和紐約的持牌針灸師。他在美國南加州大學取得了碩士學位,隨後又到美國西太平洋讀博深造,更是取得了中國醫學榮譽博士。他擁有超過40年凝聚了寶貴精華的臨床經驗,在行醫的過程中張大師靈活地運用他在辯癥和草藥處方方面的專業知識,成功治療超過500,000名患者。張大師攫取了中國醫學的傳統精華再加上其多年的經驗體會綜合歸納撰寫了把脈診斷手冊Pulsynergy。目前他在加利福尼亞州哈仙達崗的私人診所中發揮自己的專長醫治病人,來看診的人絡繹不絕接連不斷,患者更是對他精準的把脈診斷與療效奇佳的草藥處方贊不絕口廣為相傳。 中醫大師張醫生主治專長有各種內科疑難雜癥,精準脈理分析,對脈下藥,婦科,傷科(免針免推)兒科。

請觀看Jimmy Chang的獨家專訪!第1部分,第2部分,第3部分
Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part I
Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part II
Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part III

“張醫生是一位大師,鮮少有人願意將他們診斷和開處方的過程系統化地展示並傳授於他人。但自從兩年前我開始使用Pulsynergy以來,我看診的臨床效果有了很大的改善。而且,Pulsynergy 1,2,3部的錄音對於觀看學習Pulsynergy視頻課程的內容非常有幫助。這其中的寶貴知識有太多需要學習和挖掘了,我只能一遍又一遍地聽這些講座溫故而知新。“ - 斯科特B.

“中醫生張大師關於[病例研究:脈診和草藥處方的臨床研討]的演講,展露了一位才華橫溢的中草藥師的深刻見解。從他如何分析患者的診斷結果與到設計出患者治療的最佳方案,都使我對脈診和中醫有了更深層次的理解,也由此讓我能夠更全面地為我的患者治療。我非常感激那天張大師送給我們的寶貴禮物,他完全無私和慷慨地分享這些經驗與知識。我還在盡量消化他的演講,他傳授的知識幫助了我讓我更深入地了解了這博大精深的中醫文化。我希望他能知道我們是多麽地感激他。請考慮盡快再次舉辦類似的研討會。謝謝妳們。“ - D.G.

“我只是想感謝[eLotus]的出現。在我非常熱愛的職業生涯中,能讓我可以繼續學習新事物,這是非常令人興奮的。感謝妳讓它能成為現實。請一定要繼續辦下去!請保留張醫生的網絡研討會視頻。我無比熱衷於觀看它們!“ -H.S.


Para realizar una pasantía en la clínica de Jimmy, envíele un correo electrónico directamente a internwithjimmy@gmail.com

El Maestro Jimmy Wei-Yen Chang es Doctor en Medicina Oriental entrenado en Taiwán y acupunturista con licencia en California y Nueva York. Tiene más de 40 años de experiencia clínica concentrada en el tratamiento de más de 500,000 pacientes y aplicando su experiencia en diagnóstico diferencial y prescripción herbal. El Maestro Chang es el autor del manual de diagnóstico de pulso, Pulsynergy, y actualmente desarrolla sus especialidades en la práctica privada en Hacienda Heights, California. Es ampliamente reconocido por sus habilidades para correlacionar diagnósticos de pulso definitivos con prescripción herbal.

¡Mira una entrevista exclusiva con Jimmy Chang! Parte 1, Parte 2, Parte 3


Jimmy Chang Pulsynergy GRUPO GRATUITO
Este es un grupo GRATUITO para que se conecte con el Dr. Jimmy Chang para hacer preguntas básicas y generales. Si está interesado, haga clic aquí para unirse.

PD Si no puede acceder al enlace anterior, intente utilizar su teléfono móvil u otro navegador de Internet como Chrome.

"El Dr. Chang es un maestro y es muy raro tener a alguien que esté dispuesto a mostrar cómo sistematizar su proceso de diagnóstico y prescripción. Mis resultados clínicos han mejorado enormemente desde que comencé a usar Pulsynergy hace dos años. Y, el audio las grabaciones de Pulsynergy 1,2,3 fueron muy útiles para revisar la información de los cursos de video de Pulsynergy. Hay mucho que aprender y he escuchado esas conferencias una y otra vez ". - Scott B.

"La presentación del Maestro Chang sobre [Estudios de casos: discusión clínica sobre el diagnóstico del pulso y las recetas a base de hierbas] es un vistazo perspicaz a la mente de un herbolario brillante. Ahora comprendo más profundamente todo el protocolo de tratamiento de pacientes, sobre cómo abordar un diagnóstico y plan de tratamiento para servir mejor a mis pacientes. Aprecio el gran regalo que nos dieron ese día. El Maestro Chang fue completamente desinteresado y generoso al compartir información tan valiosa. Todavía estoy asimilando su presentación y me ha ayudado a comprender mejor "La Gran Foto". Espero que sepa cuánto lo apreciamos. Por favor consideren presentar un seminario similar nuevamente y pronto. Gracias ". - D.G.

"Solo quería agradecer a [eLotus] por estar cerca. Es muy emocionante tener un lugar donde se pueda seguir aprendiendo cosas nuevas en una carrera que me apasiona. Gracias por hacerlo posible. Por favor ¡no lo dejes pasar! Aprovechen los seminarios web del Dr. Chang. ¡Me encantan! " -H.S.

Courses by Jimmy Wei-Yen Chang (Zhang Wei Yan) 張蔚炎, MPH, PhD, OMD, LAc

English Courses
A Case Study Analysis: Liver Cirrhosis and Hepatitis
A Case Study Analysis: Liver Cirrhosis and Hepatitis
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
A Case Study Analysis: Lung Cancer Symptoms to Brain Tumor
A Case Study Analysis: Lung Cancer Symptoms to Brain Tumor
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
A Case Study Analysis: Testosterone Injection, Breast Pain, and Water Retention
A Case Study Analysis: Testosterone Injection, Breast Pain, and Water Retention
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Abdominal Pain: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Abdominal Pain: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Acid Reflux and Diabetes: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Acid Reflux: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Acid Reflux: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Allergy, Sinusitis, Psoriasis: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Allergy, Stress, & Depression: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Allergy, Stress, & Depression: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Allergy: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Allergy: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Analyzing and Decoding Laboratory Results in Relation to TCM Diagnosis, Part I
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
3 CEUs
Analyzing and Decoding Laboratory Results in Relation to TCM Diagnosis, Part II
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
3 CEUs
Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Insomnia: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Anxiety: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx Part I
Anxiety: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx Part I
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Anxiety: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx Part II
Anxiety: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx Part II
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Autoimmune Disorders and Depression: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Autoimmune Disorders: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Autoimmune Disorders: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Blood Pressure and Heart Rate: New Indications and Discoveries
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Cardiovascular & Respiratory Disorders: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Cardiovascular & Respiratory Disorders: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Case Analyses with Jimmy Chang
Case Analyses with Jimmy Chang (Multiple Conditions)
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
5 CEUs
Case Studies: Clinical Discussion on Pulse Diagnosis and Herbal Prescriptions
Case Studies: Clinical Discussion on Pulse Diagnosis and Herbal Prescriptions
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
6 CEUs
Clinical Success for Alleviating Side-Effects of Chemo/Radiation with 40+ Years of Herbal Mastery
Live CEU Webinar
3 CEUs
Wed, 09/25/2024 - 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Clinical Success for Autism, ADD, ADHD with 40+ Years of Herbal Mastery
Live CEU Webinar
3 CEUs
Wed, 08/21/2024 - 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Clinical Success for Chest Pain, Myocardial Infarction, Irregular Heartbeat, PVCs and A. Fib with 40+ Years of Herbal Mastery
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
3 CEUs
Clinical Success for Herpes I, II, and Shingles with 40+ Years of Herbal Mastery
Live CEU Webinar
3 CEUs
Wed, 11/13/2024 - 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Clinical Success for Managing Cholesterol and Preventing Stroke with 40+ Years of Herbal Mastery
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
3 CEUs
Clinical Success for Treating Covid Vaccine Side-Effects with Chinese Herbs
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
3 CEUs
Clinical Success for Treating Diabetes in Relation with Coronary Heart Disease
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
3 CEUs
Clinical Success for Vaginitis, HPV, Yeast Infection with 40+ Years of Herbal Mastery
Live CEU Webinar
3 CEUs
Wed, 10/23/2024 - 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Conjunctivitis & Stye: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Conjunctivitis & Stye: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Constipation: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Constipation: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Decoding Jimmy Chang's Pulse Evaluation Sheet
Decoding Jimmy Chang's Pulse Evaluation Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
3 CEUs
Dermatological, Endocrine and Genito-Urinary Disorders: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Dermatological, Endocrine and Genito-Urinary Disorders: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
7 CEUs
Conjunctivitis & Stye: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Ear Infection & Allergies in Kids: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Ear Infection & Allergies in Kids: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
TCM Wisdom Tube
0 CEUs
Fang Jia Fang: The Art and Science of Herbal Combinations, Part I
Fang Jia Fang: The Art and Science of Herbal Combinations, Part I
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
6 CEUs
Fang Jia Fang: The Art & Science of Herbal Combinations Part II
Fang Jia Fang: The Art and Science of Herbal Combinations, Part II
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
6 CEUs
Fast Pain Relief for Back, Hip and Leg Pain, Cramps & Restless Leg Syndrome with 40+ Years of Clinical Mastery
Live CEU Webinar
3 CEUs
Wed, 12/04/2024 - 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Fatigue and Fibromyalgia: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Frequent Nocturnal Urination: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Frequent Nocturnal Urination: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Fungal/Yeast infection: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Fungal/Yeast infection: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Gastrointestinal & Hepatic Disorders: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Gastrointestinal & Hepatic Disorders: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Glaucoma & Scleritis: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Glaucoma & Scleritis: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Headache, Migraines, Neck Pain: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Hemorrhoid, Fistula, Abscess, Constipation: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Herbal Formula Combinations
Herbal Formula Combinations
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
How to Pick Formulas that Really Deliver Results
How to Pick Formulas that Really Deliver Results
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
How to Pick Single Herbs that Really Deliver Results
How to Pick Single Herbs that Really Deliver Results
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Hypertension and Alzheimer's: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Impotence, Low Sperm Count, Prostate Enlargement: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Intro to Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part I
TCM Wisdom Tube
0 CEUs
Introduction to Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part I
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Jimmy's Unique Herbal Discoveries 2018
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Kidney Disorders: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Kidney Disorders: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Left Guan: Pulse Signs and Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Menopause, Fibroids, PCOS, Endometriosis: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Most Common Signs for the Left Pulse
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Nephritis, Hepatitis, Fatty Liver: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
New Herbal Discoveries: 5 Single Herbs
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Pain, Endocrinology, Dermatology: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Pain, Endocrinology, Dermatology: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Peripheral Neuropathy, Arthritis, Joint Pain, Hepatitis, Fatty Liver: Dr. Jimmy Chang's Herbal Master Sheet
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Peripheral Neuropathy: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Peripheral Neuropathy: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Postpartum Complications and Care: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatme
Postpartum Complications and Care: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Pregnancy Complications: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Pregnancy Complications: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part I
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part I
Distance Learning - CEU Audio Recording
8 CEUs
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part II
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part II
Distance Learning - CEU Audio Recording
8 CEUs
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part II
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part II
Distance Learning - CEU Audio Recording
8 CEUs
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part III
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part III
Distance Learning - CEU Audio Recording
8 CEUs
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part III
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part III
Distance Learning - CEU Audio Recording
8 CEUs
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part IV
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part IV
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
7 CEUs
Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part I
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part II
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part II
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part III
Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part III
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Pulsynergy Made Easy Part III
Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part III
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Pulsynergy Made Easy, Part V
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Successful Detox Strategies for Food Allergies and Chemical Sensitivities with 40+ Years of Clinical Mastery with Herbal Formulas
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
3 CEUs
Testicular Varicocele: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Testicular Varicocele: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
The Pulse Shape: Convex, Straight, Concave
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
The Successful Practice Pharmacy: Jimmy Chang's Latest Herbal Discoveries, Part
The Successful Practice Pharmacy: Jimmy Chang's Latest Herbal Discoveries, Part I
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
The Successful Practice Pharmacy: Jimmy Chang's Latest Herbal Discoveries, Part I
Distance Learning - CEU Audio Recording
8 CEUs
The Successful Practice Pharmacy: Jimmy Chang's Latest Herbal Discoveries, Part II
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
The Successful Practice Pharmacy: Jimmy Chang's Latest Herbal Discoveries, Part II
Distance Learning - CEU Audio Recording
8 CEUs
The Successful Practice Pharmacy: Jimmy Chang's Latest Herbal Discoveries, Part III
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
The Successful Practice Pharmacy: Jimmy Chang's Latest Herbal Discoveries, Part III
Distance Learning - CEU Audio Recording
8 CEUs
The Successful Practice Pharmacy: Jimmy Chang's Latest Herbal Discoveries, Part IV
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
The Successful Practice Pharmacy: Jimmy Chang's Latest Herbal Discoveries, Part IV
Distance Learning - CEU Audio Recording
8 CEUs
Tonic Herbs: Jimmy Chang's Latest Herbal Discoveries
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Top 40 Disorders in Jimmy's Clinic: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx, Part I
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Top 40 Disorders in Jimmy's Clinic: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx, Part II
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
8 CEUs
Understanding Jimmy Chang's Clinically Proven Formulas, Part I
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Understanding Jimmy Chang's Clinically Proven Formulas, Part II
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Understanding Jimmy Chang's Clinically Proven Formulas, Part III
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Understanding Jimmy Chang's Clinically Proven Formulas, Part IV
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Understanding Jimmy Chang's Clinically Proven Formulas, Part V
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Understanding Jimmy Chang's Clinically Proven Formulas, Part VI
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
2 CEUs
Unique Diagnostic Methods
Unique Diagnostic Methods
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Varicose Veins: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Varicose Veins: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Vertigo: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Vertigo: Pulse Dx & Herbal Tx
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
1 CEUs
Virtual Internship 1: Case Studies
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
0 CEUs
Jimmy Chang
Speaker Preview: 
See video


He is certainly someone who can stand with Zhang Zhong-Jing, Li
Tina et al., Please put my name on the list for Jimmy Chang's initial pulse diagnosis class next year. Thank you. The Oakland seminars were absolutely mind-blowing. Unfortunately for Jimmy, Robert's seminar on Saturday had us all going all day, so on Sunday our attention spans were a little shot. Frankly, I think Jimmy is not only the best herbalist I have ever seen or heard of, he may be the best ever. He is certainly someone who can stand with Zhang Zhong-Jing, Li Dong-Yuan and the rest of the best. It is a privilege to be alive at the same time. And Robert is smart enough to put together Jimmy's and Richard Tan's modalities into one super-medicine, as well as promote what he can do with it effectively and serve many people. It strikes me that these brilliant gentlemen have been resurrecting wonders from the Nei Jing which have been neglected too long, but there is more to combine with what they have done. There still remains carotid and St-42 pulses and much more in-depth face and body reading, and there are of course those who know how to read these things amazingly well today, but they don't have what Jimmy and Richard have. And also there remains the best of the modern understanding of the wisdom of traditional and indigenous dietary wisdom, which precedes and outdoes Chinese dietary wisdom but needs the energetic understanding of Chinese medicine (and/or Ayur-Veda) to complete it. As to the dietary stuff, I refer to and commend to your reading the work of Weston Price, DDS, who studied the dietary habits and incredible healthiness of indigenous and traditional peoples the world over in the 1930s. I think putting all this together, along with the other kinds of things your seminars present already, would pretty much be as complete a picture of clinical mastery as may ever be possible to amass. What a doctorate level program that would be if some accredited school were able to sponsor it. Anyway, I look forward to receiving the notes from these seminars and thank you again for this last weekend and for everything you amazing people do. J. Garner, L.Ac.
Learning from Jimmy is like learning from Tiger Woods
“Dr, Jimmy for example, basically represent something like getting the chance to learn golf from Tiger Woods, or hoops from Michael Jordan. It's crazy to not be there if you want to be on top of your game. You have to play with the best. So here's your chance. And at a great price. With great people running the business behind it all.” D.W.
I recently attended Jimmy
I recently attended Jimmy Chang's revolutionary pulse diagnosis seminar. In addition to the valuable information that I learned I was particularly impressed with the way the Lotus seminars are run. They are organized, always on time and the Chen family is very warm and generous. Whenever I attend one of the seminars I feel like I am being welcomed into someone's home. Sam, Ivy and Tina do a professional job setting up as well as running the event. Tina is very gracious, extremely motivated, intelligent all wrapped up with a great sense of humor. She is a wonderful roll model for women TCM Doctors everywhere. I will continue to acquire my CEU'S through the lotus seminars and I will advise my collogues to do the same. This seminar was outstanding and I am looking forward to part 2 in December. Let me say that everyone at Lotus is doing a great job and the profession of Chinese Medicine in the US is very fortunate to have you! Keep it up. D. Konikowski The seminar is very well prepared & organized. Dr. Chang is the best most inspirational teacher as good as it gets. This is my first attendance as a 2nd year student, I feel this is a wonderful way to supplement my studies.
Nothing less than outstanding!!
“Dr. Chang’s classes have been nothing less than outstanding! I am so grateful to have been able to participate in all of the pulse classes! I am excited about learning more about being a better herbalist through pulse diagnosis.”
Jimmy is the best
“Dr. Chang is a true pleasure to learn from. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to learn from his wisdom by direct transmission. Thank you” “Jimmy is really sexy” “Dr. Chang is always excellent” “Jimmy is the best”
Appreciation for sharing knowledge
“Dr. Chang is a diamond. A gem. Thanks Tina for getting his presentation so organized” “Dr. Jimmy is amazing –great material” “Jimmy is a great speaker – very knowledgeable, funny. Appreciate him sharing his knowledgeable. Thank Lotus for making the information accessible”
Appreciation for sharing knowledge
“Dr. Chang is a diamond. A gem. Thanks Tina for getting his presentation so organized” “Dr. Jimmy is amazing –great material” “Jimmy is a great speaker – very knowledgeable, funny. Appreciate him sharing his knowledgeable. Thank Lotus for making the information accessible”
My pulse taking has never been better and more informative to me
“ The speaker was fantastic and very inspirational” “This weekend was my first lotus seminar. It was great experience overall & I will definitely be doing more in the future” “More pulse classes to be offered in the future, please” “Hello Dr. Chang, I have followed you throughout 2010 with much appreciation for the wealth of info bestowed. My pulse taking has never been better and more informative to me since your classes. My wife and I own and run a six bed nursing home. For the past three years I have incorporated Chinese herbs with Western pharmaceuticals for chronic and terminally ill adults. Your pulse techniques have given me new insights and greatly improved the precision of my formulas. “ Regards, C. Sciutto
My pulse taking has never been better and more informative to me
“ The speaker was fantastic and very inspirational” “This weekend was my first lotus seminar. It was great experience overall & I will definitely be doing more in the future” “More pulse classes to be offered in the future, please” “Hello Dr. Chang, I have followed you throughout 2010 with much appreciation for the wealth of info bestowed. My pulse taking has never been better and more informative to me since your classes. My wife and I own and run a six bed nursing home. For the past three years I have incorporated Chinese herbs with Western pharmaceuticals for chronic and terminally ill adults. Your pulse techniques have given me new insights and greatly improved the precision of my formulas. “ Regards, C. Sciutto
Dr Chang, I am in humility, gratitude and honor to be exposed to your teachings. I record this most sacred information in my heart and soul and join you in utilizing it to provide humanity with God's medicine I appreciate the variety of seminars and the range of topics – brining top notch teachers to provide sound clinical related info- all seminars should enhance our clinical practice. This is my first Lotus seminar. From beginning to end, it was very good. Everyone was friendly and I learned some valuable information that I can use in my practice tomorrow. Thank you!
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