FL (General)

Titlesort icon Unit Price
Integrating TCM and Qi Gong Into Oncology
Integrating TCM and Qi Gong Into Oncology

Alex Feng
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Integrating The Classics with Tung's Acupuncture

Henry McCann
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Integrative Approaches to Gut Health through Acupuncture, Herbs, and Functional Medicine

Peter Shark
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 179.00

Integrative Internal Medicine: An Overview - Immune Disorders
Integrative Internal Medicine: An Overview - Immune Disorders

John K. Chen
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Internal Medicine: Herbal Alternatives to Drugs, Part II
Internal Medicine: Herbal Alternatives to Drugs, Part II

John K. Chen
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 109.00

Internal Pathologies: Master Tung Acupuncture, Part I

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Internal Pathologies: Master Tung Acupuncture, Part II

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Intro to Allergies, Autoimmune and Cancer Tx Side-Effects
Intro to Allergies, Autoimmune and Cancer Tx Side-Effects

Robert Chu
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Auricular Diagnosis: Palpation and Electrical Diagnosis
Intro to Auricular Diagnosis: Palpation and Electrical Diagnosis

Li-Chun Huang 黃麗春
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Auricular Medicine Class IV: Functions of Auricular Points

Li-Chun Huang 黃麗春
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Auricular Medicine Class V: Auricular Diagnosis

Li-Chun Huang 黃麗春
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Auricular Medicine Class VII: Auricular Treatment
Intro to Auricular Medicine Class VII: Auricular Treatment

Li-Chun Huang 黃麗春
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Auricular Medicine Class VIII: Auricular Treatment and Manipulations
Intro to Auricular Medicine Class VIII: Auricular Treatment and Manipulations

Li-Chun Huang 黃麗春
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to BodyMapping Acupuncture

Cole Magbanua
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Bo’s Abdominal Acupuncture for Pain

Paul F. Ryan
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Channel Theories for Treating Pain, Part I

Marc Mastrandrea
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Intro to Channel Theories for Treating Pain, Part II

Marc Mastrandrea
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Intro to Chow Medical Qi Gong
Intro to Chow Medical Qi Gong

Effie Chow
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Chronic Pain: Integrative Acupuncture Care
Intro to Chronic Pain: Integrative Acupuncture Care

Philip Tan
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Creating Herbal Prescriptions for Sensitive Patients
Intro to Creating Herbal Prescriptions for Sensitive Patients

John Mini
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Essential Tung's Acupuncture Strategies for Internal Medicine and Pain
Intro to Essential Tung's Acupuncture Strategies for Internal Medicine and Pain

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Four Constitutional Acupuncture for Acute and Chronic Pain
Intro to Four Constitutional Acupuncture for Acute and Chronic Pain

David Lee
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to How Acupuncture Works: Simplify How You Educate Patients and Colleagues
Intro to How Acupuncture Works: Simplify How You Educate Patients and Colleagues

David Karaba
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Master Tung's Acupuncture and the Balance Method for Pain

Jean-Sylvain Prot
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Master Tung's Acupuncture: Allergies, Digestion, & Insomnia Strategies

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Master Tung's Acupuncture: Case Studies with Brad

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Master Tung's Acupuncture: Five Zang System

Chuan-Min Wang 王全民
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Master Tung's Acupuncture: Top 20 Points for Immediate Result

Henry McCann
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 20.00

Intro to Master Tung's Points for the Collection Formulas
Intro to Master Tung's Points for the Collection Formulas

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 32.00

Intro to Master Tung’s Five Zang System: Clinical Case Studies

Chuan-Min Wang 王全民
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Mastering the Art of Abdominal Acupuncture

Dave Shipsey
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Maximize Recovery of Musculoskeletal Pain with Kinetic Acupuncture

Hyungsuk Choi
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 65.00

Intro to Modern Applications of Classical Formulas

Jonathan Law
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Pediatric Acupuncture & Herbs

David Miller
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Seasonally Adjusted Practice of Tung's Points

Esther Su
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to TCM Ophthalmology

Chong He 何崇
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 49.00

Intro to the Body-Feedback Acupuncture System

Michelle Meramour
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Top 30 Master Tung Points & Their Clinical Indications

Chuan-Min Wang 王全民
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Treating Digestive Issues Using Local Palpation and Channel Theory

Albert Stern
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Treating Menstrual Disorders with Acupuncture and Herbs

Peter Kington
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Treating Mood, Behavior, and Personality Disorders with Acupuncture & Herbs

Peter Fairfield
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Weight Loss and Detoxification
Intro to Weight Loss and Detoxification

Regan Archibald
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Intro to Weight Loss for the Four Body Types
Intro to Weight Loss for the Four Body Types

Regan Archibald
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Introdução à Medicina Herbal Chinesa

John K. Chen
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 139.00

Introduction on How to Diagnose and Treat Marijuana Syndromes with Chinese Medic
Introduction on How to Diagnose and Treat Marijuana Syndromes with Chinese Medicine

John Mini
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Introduction to Chinese Herbal Medicine

John K. Chen
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 139.00

Introduction to Holographic Representations: Imaging Made Easy

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Introduction to Muscle Testing for Acupuncturists

Ronald Hubbs
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Introduction to NAET
Introduction to Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET)

Devi Nambudripad
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 95.00

Introduction to the Art of the Bedchamber
Introduction to the Art of the Bedchamber

Alex Chen
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Investigating Emotions with Acupuncture & Herbs

Peter Fairfield
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Japanese Palpation & Acupuncture: Emotional Shen Disorders

Avi Magidoff, Philip Tan
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Japanese Palpation & Acupuncture: Pain

Avi Magidoff, Philip Tan
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Jimmy's Unique Herbal Discoveries 2018

Jimmy Wei-Yen Chang 張蔚炎
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 109.00

Keep it Simple: Six Channels and One Easy Acupuncture Protocol, Part I

Aaron Zizov
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Keep it Simple: Six Channels and One Easy Acupuncture Protocol, Part II

Aaron Zizov
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Keiraku Chiryo: The Art of Japanese Meridian Balancing
Keiraku Chiryo: The Art of Japanese Meridian Balancing

Jake Fratkin
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 109.00

Key Elements to Anti-Aging
Key Elements to Anti-Aging

Alex Chen
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Key Elements to Anti-Aging and Longevity
Key Elements to Anti-Aging and Longevity

Alex Chen
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 95.00

Kidney Disorders: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment
Kidney Disorders: Differential Pulse Diagnosis & Herbal Treatment

Jimmy Wei-Yen Chang 張蔚炎
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Korean Hand Therapy (KHT): Clinical Applications for Functional Problems
Korean Hand Therapy (KHT): Clinical Applications for Functional Problems

Dan Lobash
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 95.00

Korean Hand Therapy (KHT): Clinical Applications for Relieving Pain
Korean Hand Therapy (KHT): Clinical Applications for Relieving Pain

Dan Lobash
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 95.00

Korean Hand Therapy for Instant Pain Relief
Korean Hand Therapy for Instant Pain Relief

Dan Lobash
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Leaky Gut, Food Allergies, & Other Modern Disorders: Acupuncture & Herbs, Part I

Quinn Takei
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Leaky Gut, Food Allergies, & Other Modern Disorders: Acupuncture & Herbs, Part II

Quinn Takei
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Lunar Alchemy: Enhancing Acupuncture with Moon Cycles

Michelle Hamilton
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 75.00

Luo Channels and Muscle Channels with Giovanni Maciocia: Physiology, Pathology, and Acupuncture Treatment

Giovanni Maciocia
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 185.00

Male Fertility Enhancement Using Acupuncture and Herbs

Michelle Meramour
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Male Reproductive Health Support with Acupuncture and Herbs

Peter Kington
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Managing Cancer Side-Effects with Acupuncture and Herbs

Kimberly McMinn
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Marijuana Syndromes: Tutorial Facing Clinical Realities
Marijuana Syndromes: Tutorial Facing Clinical Realities

John Mini
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Master Tung Acupuncture - Harmonizing the Seasons with Needles and Food

Henry McCann
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Master Tung's Acupuncture and Modern Chinese Herbs

Esther Su, Henry McCann
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 32.00

Master Tung's Acupuncture and the Balance Method for Pain, Part I

Jean-Sylvain Prot
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Master Tung's Acupuncture and the Balance Method for Pain, Part II

Jean-Sylvain Prot
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Master Tung's Acupuncture for Neck Pain
Master Tung's Acupuncture for Neck Pain

Jeffrey Russell
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Master Tung's Acupuncture For Pregnancy: Before, During & After

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 39.00

Master Tung's Acupuncture: Allergies, Digestion, & Insomnia Strategies

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Master Tung's Acupuncture: Case Studies with Brad, Part I

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Master Tung's Acupuncture: Case Studies with Brad, Part II

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Master Tung's Acupuncture: Five Zang System

Chuan-Min Wang 王全民
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Master Tung's Acupuncture: Live Demo & Discussion, Part I
Master Tung's Acupuncture: Live Demo & Discussion, Part I

Esther Su
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Master Tung's Acupuncture: Live Demo & Discussion, Part II
Master Tung's Acupuncture: Live Demo & Discussion, Part II

Esther Su
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 129.00

Master Tung's Acupuncture: Top 20 Points for Immediate Result

Henry McCann
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Master Tung's Bleeding Techniques
Master Tung's Bleeding Techniques

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Master Tung's Bloodletting Therapy

Henry McCann
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Master Tung's Brilliant Strategies in the Clinic for Female Disorders

Robert Chu
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Master Tung's Brilliant Strategies in the Clinic for Male Disorders

Robert Chu
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 140.00

Master Tung's Essential Points for Pain
Master Tung's Essential Points for Pain

Susan Johnson
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 20.00

Master Tung's Indications for TCM Points
Master Tung's Indications for TCM Points

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 32.00

Master Tung's Points for Collection Formulas
Master Tung's Points for Collection Formulas

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 29.00

Master Tung's Points for Headache, Migraine, Neck Pain, and TMJ
Master Tung's Points for Headache, Migraine, Neck Pain, and TMJ

Susan Johnson
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 20.00

Master Tung's Points for Headaches

Henry McCann
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Master Tung's Points for Sport Injuries, Part II
Master Tung's Points for Sport Injuries, Part II

Robert Chu
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Master Tung's Points for the Collection Formulas, Part I

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 99.00

Master Tung's Points for the Collection Formulas, Part II

Brad Whisnant
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 99.00

Master Tung's Unique Points for Female Conditions
Master Tung's Unique Points for Female Conditions

Chuan-Min Wang 王全民
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Master Tung’s Acupuncture for Digestive Disorders

Robert Chu
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Master Tung’s Acupuncture for Female Disorders
Master Tung’s Acupuncture for Female Disorders

Robert Chu
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

Master Tung’s Acupuncture for Male Disorders
Master Tung’s Acupuncture for Male Disorders

Robert Chu
Distance Learning - CEU Video Recording
$ 17.00

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